If Smart Gardener doesn't already have a plant variety that you are growing, you can add the plant variety to our database of user-created varieties. To add a new variety, we require that you find a similar variety (so perhaps if you are adding a new type of bush bean, you may want to find another bush bean variety with a similar maturation time (days to maturity) and similar height (so that we know where to place it in your garden).

Note: Before you add a new variety, we ask that you please use the search tool in the upper right side of any page to make sure the plant variety isn't already in our database.


1. First, go to Select Plants under the PLANTS dropdown on the main menu.

2. Once on the Select Plants page, click on the ADD A NEW VARIETY link.

3. Follow these 4 steps to select the variety you'd like to base your variety off of.

5. Fill in the available information for your new variety and be sure to click the Save button. For the most accurate To Dos for this variety, we recommend entering accurate Days to Maturity which will help determine when it is time to harvest,

6. Congratulations! Your new variety is now available to be added to your garden.